Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015


Procrastination is such a killer. It can make us feel useless, take away all our joy, and potentially cost us a great deal in poor grades, lost jobs, damaged relationships, etc. With all of the destruction that it causes, why is it so easy to give in to it?

One client of mine in particular really struggles with procrastination. For her, it’s one of the symptoms of the depression that she struggles with. To help her not get sucked into the vicious cycle that procrastination can create, we’ve found a few strategies that seem to help. But the single most effective strategy that she’s found is when she breaks up a task into manageable chunks. Then she doesn’t feel quite so overwhelmed and is better equipped to get started what she’d previously been avoiding.

Whether it be cleaning the house, writing a paper, or applying for a new job, the first step is always the hardest (and always the scariest). But with each step you take, the journey becomes a little easier. 

I want to encourage you to take that first step. Whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, take a 'baby step" today, and start the journey.

#howtochangeyourlife   #procrastination   #Nietz

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