Kamis, 01 Januari 2015


Don't Let 'Em Drag You Down

I hate arguing with stupid people (i.e. people who don't know what they're talking about). It’s time in my day that I can’t get back and such a total waste. What’s the point?

Okay, so I’m being a bit sarcastic. Maybe a better way to say this would be that I hate getting involved in stupid arguments. People, in general, aren’t stupid.But the things we choose to argue about certainly can be.

We shouldn’t get pulled into arguments that aren’t going to have any point. We shouldn’t disagree just to disagree or to have the last word. Oftentimes, the disagreements we fall into really don’t matter in the big scheme of things. I’m not saying that we should become passive and agree with everyone. Instead, we need to look for relevant discussions that are worth our time and contribution rather than pointless, circular debates.

Let’s choose today not to let 'em (you know who) drag us down. Rarely does our involvement result in a positive outcome anyway. And the truth is that our time is too valuable to spend this way.

#wasteoftime   #argument  

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