Senin, 13 Oktober 2014



Lovers, as women, we are aware of the dangers of cancer, you also naturally understand more about the dangers of breast cancer that often affects women. This important body part to be protected from the development of cancer cells are malignant and life-threatening. 

As also described in which gives some advice to prevent breast cancer, such as the following 

1. Eat lots of plants 
Plants in this respect is the fruit and vegetables. Diet by eating fruits vegetables dna is a key to maintaining health. The Mediterranean diet has the same vision and mission, ie applying to eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Servings of fruits and vegetables that many will be able to supplement the body's nutritional needs and prevent the disease. 

2. Regular physical exercise 
Sport is also a second key if you want healthy. No doubt, burn calories and keeps your body in shape can make the body resistant to disease. Research shows that women who eat fruits and vegetables with the balanced sports have a lesser chance of developing breast cancer. 

3. Adequate sleep 
It is also an important factor in determining whether your body can avoid disease or not. Sleep about 8 hours per day will give you a break best for the body and the brain, let alone to regenerate damaged and dead cells. Lack of sleep will disrupt circadian rhythms and metabolism of your body. 

4. Maintain a healthy weight 
When the body has begun sagged and more than ideal body weight, it is time to diet and lose a few pounds. Overweight have a higher risk of developing breast cancer and other serious illnesses. 

Some tips to prevent breast cancer at the top may have often heard, but too often ignored. Well, you need only be reminded of it, and make you aware of the dangers of breast cancer returning. 


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